9 Ways to Find Peace of Mind

Uncertainly has dramatically increased in the last decade. With uncertainty comes worry. We worry about everything from war and terrorism to losing our jobs and the economy; not to mention the dangers confronting our children. Given the state of the world, this worry is understandable. With the right tools, however, we can rise above any challenge life hands us and live a rewarding life amidst turmoil. In her newest book, Embracing Uncertainty, Susan Jeffers, Ph.D. says we all can find a sense of peace and purpose. She suggests nine ways in which to view the world in a more life-affirming and powerful way; they are:
1. Unset your heart. Put another way, let go of the picture of how you want things to be. Do not try to control those things that you have no control over.
2. Create a wondering life rather than a hoping life. During challenging moments in our life, substitute “I wonder” with “I hope” to keep our hopes alive. It also allows us to learn and grow from whatever happens.
3. Choose the path of trust. No matter what happens in your life, trust provides the inner strength to create something good from everything.
4.Increase your inner sense of power by cutting off negativity. Keep telling yourself over and over again, “Whatever happens in my life, I’ll handle it!”
5.Collect heroes as role models. As you collect heroes, you realize you can learn and grow from your own experiences.
6.Focus on learning. Learn and find strength from anything that happens to you.
7.Embrace the thought, “It’s all happening perfectly”. Let go of perfection and be happy with “what is.”
8.Focus on blessings. It may sound silly, but we need to train ourselves to notice all the beauty that is in our lives. By focusing on blessings, we diffuse our fears about the future.
9. Get Involved. Ask yourself, “What am I called to do?” Make a list of what comes to mind and begin taking action.

Over time you will discover that as you make these suggestions part of your daily life, you will feel a whole new sense of purpose. What’s more, you will feel a power emerge from within and look forward to the future with a positive attitude; a future full of possibilities, not only for yourself, but also for your world.

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~ Theresa

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